Monday 13 February 2017

Busy Weekend

When I looked out of the window in the morning there was a layer of snow!  Not enough to get too excited about but enough to have covered the grass, if not the roads.

I had threshold training to do so I put on an extra layer and headed out with stop watch in hand. I had a 10 min warm up followed by 3 x 8 minute threshold intervals over undulating terrain with a 90 second jog recovery in between and a 10 minute cool down.

I did a slow jog for my warm up and set of for my first interval. It was pretty good, the second interval was harder because a good proportion of it was up hill. By the time I got to the third one I was tired and struggling but managed to finish having covered 2.3 miles at an average pace of 10:09 / mile.  (I only ever record the threshold interval, not the recovery)

Sunday was long run day. My training plan said 135 minutes which equates to about 12 miles for me. However I wanted to do 13.1 miles so that I was happy in my mind that I could manage the half marathon coming up soon.

I did it!  but my knee starting hurting at mile 12 and I had to walk for a little way. It sis ease off though and I managed to finish (very slowly) at 13.1 miles with an average pace of 11.55 per mile.

Friday 10 February 2017

Double trouble

My training plan showed 45 minutes of cross training for yesterday. As I ran out of time last night I decided to follow my bodysculp dvd this morning before Core Class.

I just did the cardio part which included a warm up and  cool down.

Later it was Core Class.

We did more planks this week. I think I am finally getting the hang of them.

Thresholds tomorrow!

Wednesday 8 February 2017

(Far from) Easy Run

My mistake was skipping lunch and as breakfast was at 5.30am by the time I got out at 4pm I was running on empty.

I ran a reasonable "easy" pace and finished my 45 minute run with an average pace of 11 mins per mile. But my legs were very tired.

Lesson learned : eat lunch on afternoon run days!

Tuesday 7 February 2017

More Thresholds

I think I have finally got the hang of Threshold Training.  A friend told me it's all about effort not pace and with that statement came a light bulb moment!

Today's training was a 10 minute warm up, 6x threshold intervals with a 90 second jog in between followed by a 10 minute cool down and stretches.

I followed my dvd for the warm up. I find this makes me do it properly and not skip important bits!

The first interval was hard. I ran a bit too quickly to start with and then struggled to finish the 5 minutes. The second interval was better, I managed to keep a reasonably steady pace all through. From then on, although it was hard going I managed a good pace. I was so pleased to finish the last one though.

Back to my dvd for the cool down and stretches.

An average pace of 9.51 per minute. Pleased with that!

Sunday 5 February 2017

90 minute run

I made a bowl of porridge with some blueberries on the top and a cup of green tea. I took it back to bed with me!  I really needed more sleep but it wasn't happening so up I got.
I set off quite early, my knees and hips were still quite achey from yesterday.
The first mile was good, I started with a good pace. Keeping the pace for the next couple of miles I felt ok. A quick jelly baby stop at about 3.5 miles and a wee stop at 4 miles. My legs started to ache but I kept a good pace right round to my water stop at 6.5 miles. I had 20 mins left to run and suddenly I was struggling. I managed the last few miles but I was tired.
Later I soaked in an Epsom salt bath savouring my cup of tea.
I am beginning to accept that sore muscles and tiredness are going to be a constant presence during my marathon training. Does it ever get easier?

Saturday 4 February 2017

Short run

Plans of a lovely lay in this morning were scuppered by my O.H.  who went out cycling at stupid o'clock and gained a puncture. So up I got and off I went in the car to his rescue. By the time I got back it was day light and time to check the training plan.

A 35 minute run at steady pace on undulating terrain. My hips ( particularly the left one) were pretty sore from yesterday's core class and I wondered if I would struggle.

I ran around the block in the rain.  I don't actually mind running in the rain, I find it quite refreshing.

The first mile undulates nicely. The second mile is a nice steady downhill, a good opportunity for a quick pace BUT the last mile is steep up hill. The hill is in 3 stages. Uphill, flat for a few paces, uphill, flat for a few more paces then the last uphill.  The middle one is the worst. I stopped for about half a minute after that one. My hips were ok though.

I was pleased when I checked strava that I had earned 5 cups. Strava cups make me smile. 😊

In the afternoon we went for a long dog walk around the forest. I was nervous of this. Last time I walked this route I damaged my knee badly. It had been sore after a long run the previous weekend and thresholds that morning. The walk finished it off and I was put out of action for 2 weeks. I was also conscious of needing to do my long run tomorrow.

Happily today's walk was fine and my knee although a bit achey held up well.

No lay in tomorrow. Up with the lark to eat breakfast and give it time to settle before I head off for my long run.

Marathon training is relentless!

Friday 3 February 2017

Core Class

The torture chamber we call it.

My body finds long lost muscles it has long since forgotten existed.

It was recommended by my sports therapist who had the task of sorting out my injured knee.

We did a lot of different stuff today, lots of work on the hips and the dreaded plank, I find it hard enough to hold that position let alone move arms and / or legs side to side, backwards and forwards.  As you have probably guessed I don't know the proper names for many of the exercises but I do know that the starfish is ok. The dish and the hollow log on the other hand are far from ok. 

The dish is where you lay on your back with your legs and shoulders about 6 inches off the floor pushing your spine down into the ground. For the hollow log you assume this position and then rock back and forth. 

The class is great, a really friendly group. I am getting used to aching abs now ;-)